my work

Liam Zebedee · founder/consultant

Who am I? I'm an independent consultant and researcher, specialising in crypto, product design and the forefront of new technology (zero knowledge proofs, blockchains, generative AI).

Hard skills:

  • Frontend. React, JS, Next.js.
  • Backend. Any, mostly JS/TS, Go, Python.
  • Systems. Bash, Docker, Python, Unix.
  • Software architecture. Monorepos, software design [1], good modularity.
  • Data science. IPython/Jupyter, Matplotlib, Numpy.
  • Smart contracts. Solidity, Foundry, Cairo, Tendermint/Cosmos.
  • Cryptography. ZK proofs, ZK circuits, SNARKs, STARKs, MPC, homomorphic encryption.
  • Protocol engineering. libp2p. Cross-chain architecture & state transfer.
  • Cryptoeconomics. Token design, game theory, incentives, simulation.
  • Distributed systems. Consensus, databases, RPC, networking, DHT’s.

Soft skills:

  • Design. Typography, colour theory, UI, UX, user interviews, prototyping at various fidelities (wireframes, Figma).
  • Writing.
  • Product.
  • Branding and storytelling. Creating a good meme, brand, and narrative.
  • Innovation.

Unique capabilities:

  • Obsessive learner. In 2022, I wanted to build a social network. I went from knowing 0 about ZK STARK’s to becoming an expert on the technology, in around 6mo.
  • A wordcel and a shape rotator.


I’ve done work with Ethereum Foundation, Keep Network, Synthetix, Chainflip, Herodotus.

Niche things:

  • I enjoy Lisp, functional programming, mathematics.